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doctest::detail::ContextState Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for doctest::detail::ContextState:
doctest::ContextOptions doctest::TestRunStats doctest::CurrentTestCaseStats

Public Member Functions

void resetRunData ()
void finalizeTestCaseData ()

Public Attributes

MultiLaneAtomic< int > numAssertsCurrentTest_atomic
MultiLaneAtomic< int > numAssertsFailedCurrentTest_atomic
std::vector< std::vector< String > > filters = decltype(filters)(9)
std::vector< IReporter * > reporters_currently_used
assert_handler ah = nullptr
Timer timer
std::vector< StringstringifiedContexts
bool reachedLeaf
std::vector< SubcaseSignaturesubcaseStack
std::vector< SubcaseSignaturenextSubcaseStack
std::unordered_set< unsigned long long > fullyTraversedSubcases
size_t currentSubcaseDepth
Atomic< bool > shouldLogCurrentException
- Public Attributes inherited from doctest::ContextOptions
std::ostreamcout = nullptr
String binary_name
const detail::TestCasecurrentTest = nullptr
String out
String order_by
unsigned rand_seed
unsigned first
unsigned last
int abort_after
int subcase_filter_levels
bool success
bool case_sensitive
bool exit
bool duration
bool minimal
bool quiet
bool no_throw
bool no_exitcode
bool no_run
bool no_intro
bool no_version
bool no_colors
bool force_colors
bool no_breaks
bool no_skip
bool gnu_file_line
bool no_path_in_filenames
bool no_line_numbers
bool no_debug_output
bool no_skipped_summary
bool no_time_in_output
bool help
bool version
bool count
bool list_test_cases
bool list_test_suites
bool list_reporters
- Public Attributes inherited from doctest::TestRunStats
unsigned numTestCases
unsigned numTestCasesPassingFilters
unsigned numTestSuitesPassingFilters
unsigned numTestCasesFailed
int numAsserts
int numAssertsFailed
- Public Attributes inherited from doctest::CurrentTestCaseStats
int numAssertsCurrentTest
int numAssertsFailedCurrentTest
double seconds
int failure_flags
bool testCaseSuccess

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